Carpets deep cleaned and dry in less than an hour.
Safe and effective cleaning products.
More than 97% of allergens and dander removed from your carpet.
At PUIRI, our Very Low Moisture (VLM) carpet cleaning begins with an essential step: dry soil removal using a powerful Counter Rotating Brush (CRB) machine.
This step eliminates up to 80% of dirt and debris from your carpets, refreshing the fibers and ensuring optimal results before the application of cleaning agents.
Our CRB machine brushes the carpet fibers in multiple directions—north-south, east-west, or a zig-zag pattern—with special attention to high-traffic areas. Our machine collects the dirt, ensuring a thorough and eco-friendly cleaning process.
After the dry soil removal, we apply an encapsulating pre-spray solution to all soiled areas.
This eco-friendly solution lightly mists the carpet fibers without oversaturating them, promoting quick drying. In high-traffic lanes or areas with stubborn stains, we apply the pre-spray more heavily.
To ensure maximum efficiency, we treat up to 150-200 square feet at a time, keeping the carpet surface moist for the best possible cleaning performance.